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Hola buenas tardes comunidad de Pentaho, me dirijo a ustedes ya que en este foro he encontrado información muy util y con la cual he aprendido a manejar las diferentes herramientas que ofrece Pentaho, motivo por el cual quiero aprender a realizar Dashboard. he visto varios tutoriales y son de mucha ayuda pero actualmente estoy presentando problemas al crear un grafico de barras que estoy siguiendo de un tutorial.

El problema es el siguiente: En la pestaña del Data Sources (DS) cuando quiero crear un nuevo DS usando el MDX Queries especificamente el mdx over mondrianJndi al momento de querer seleccionar un Mondrian Schema en este campo no se carga ninguno, no se a que se deba. espero me puedan ayudar!!

Nota: El problema solo existe en el MDX Queries, ya que en los demas tipos de DS si me carga los esquemas.

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Este fue el resultado de la instalación. quisiera saber si es lo normal o hubo algun fallo.

root@info-analista2:/opt/biserver-ce-4.5.0-stable# sh -s biserver-ce/pentaho-solutions -w biserver-ce/tomcat/webapps/pentaho -b dev -y


ctools-installer version 1.37

Author: Pedro Alves (webdetails)
Thanks to Analytical Labs for jenkins builds
Copyright Webdetails 2011


v1.38 - Added option -n for CBF integration
v1.37 - plugin-samples/cdv was not deleted. Fixed
v1.36 - CDV now installs samples too
v1.35 - Support for stable CDV, CDC and CDB installation
v1.34 - Support for CDV installation using -b dev switch
v1.33 - Added support for Saiku ad hoc stable (release) installations.
v1.32 - Added windows cr tolerance for this script's auto update
v1.31 - Support for CDB installation using -b dev switch
v1.30 - Support for CDC installation using -b dev switch
v1.29 - Changed saiku download path to 2.3
v1.28 - Support for CGG in 4.5, where webapp path is no longer required
v1.27 - Added support for CGG stable ( release ) installations.
v1.26 - -y flag now also works for ctools-installer update. ctools-installer update is now automated - Thanks to Mark Reid.
v1.25 - Removed overwrite, explicitly deleting marketplace definition
v1.24 - Added force overwrite to unzip to phase out overwrite confirmation
v1.23 - CDF trunk installation change due to js publish
v1.22 - Changed saiku download path to 2.2
v1.21 - Added support for CDE stable (release) installations.
v1.20 - CDF new samples location updated to stable installation.
v1.19 - Corrected installCDF and installCDE to remove samples dir before installing
v1.18 - CDA samples installation to plugin-samples also in stable mode.
v1.17 - Change to CDA and CDE samples installation. Now installs to folder plugin-samples instead of bi-developers (for trunk snapshot only).
v1.16 - Added support for CDC and Saiku-adhoc installation - for now only available in dev/trunk mode.
v1.15 - Change to CDF samples installation. Now installs to folder plugin-samples instead of bi-developers (for trunk snapshot only).
v1.14 - Added support for CDF stable (release) installations.
v1.13 - Fixed issue in CGG download
v1.12 - Fixed typo in -Y option
v1.11 - Added support for -y option (assume yes) - Thanks to Christian G. Warden
v1.10 - Added support for Saiku trunk snapshots installations.
v1.9 - Added support for CDA stable (release) installations.
v1.8 - Added CGG; Script refactor
v1.7 - Changed url locations to new path of analytical labs
v1.6 - Changed saiku download path to 2.1
v1.5 - Changed default indicator values in prompts
v1.4 - Added Saiku for the list of installs
v1.3 - Added support for automatic updates
v1.2 - Silent mode for downloading
v1.1 - Minor bugfixes
v1.0 - First release

Disclaimer: we can't be responsible for any damage done to your system, which hopefully will not happen
Note: will upgrade the plugins under system directory.
      Any changes you have made there (eg: cdf templates) will have to be backed up and manually copied after running the script
     CGG will need to change the server WEB-INF/lib too. Backup your server 133: [[: not found 139: [[: not found 150: [[: not found 159: [[: not found 159: [[: not found 514: [[: not found

No webapp path provided, will not install CDC

Downloading files

Downloading CDF... Done
Downloading CDA... Done
Downloading CDE... Done
Downloading CGG... Done
Downloading CDB... Done
Downloading CDV... Done
Downloading Saiku... Done
Downloading Saiku Adhoc... Done

Installing files 611: [[: not found

 [CGG] No webapp path provided, if you are using pentaho older than 4.5 cgg will not work properly)


Es correcto.

 existe un plugin para penaho que se llama marketplace 

1.- para el biserver
2.- descargar el plugin, y descomprimirlo en la carpeta "pentaho-solutions/system/"

3.- iniciar, el biserver

al final tendremos nuestro plugin instaldo, como se muestra en la siguiente imagen. y desde ahi podemos instalar o actualizar los diferentes plugins.

Si aunque la version 4.8 del biserver-ce ya lo trae instalado por default y con esto es mucho mas facil instalar los demas plugins.




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